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Mohdak is your one stop shop for the food your soul craves. Recipes that have exchanged hands over the generations have found place in our hearts as well as on our menus. Mohdak is our love for traditional recipes. The best food is the food that comes from the roots. At Mohdak, it is our constant endeavor to preserve such magical recipes, and at the same time refine them with healthy alternatives. We want to take people back to their childhoods, to the festivals, to all the happy places with every bite they take of our delicacies. This is what gets us to our name, Mohdak- a dollop of passion. (Mohdak- Ek Mohacha Ghaas). Also, Modaks (must try) are our absolute favorites, so the name had to revolve around this Ganpati Bappa’s favorite treat.

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